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Learn about the program

Layoffs are a decision no employer wants to make. When they happen, our team can meet with company leaders and impacted workers to provide discreet, no-cost services and information to lessen the negative impact on everyone.

Layoff Assistance Program

This program provides a variety of services for employers and their employees when it becomes necessary for the employer to downsize. These services focus on ensuring that affected employees are aware of employment and training related services available to them as dislocated workers. Rapid Response is a state-funded activity to assist employers and employees in the case of a permanent plant closure or mass layoff at a work site. Employment Specialists will come to your site, speak to affected staff, and provide information and access to available employment and training activities.

Job Service: (970) 248-7560 or

Rapid Response Layoff Assistance Flyer

To learn more about separations and lay-off assistance, including Layoff Alternatives, please visit Colorado Department of Labor-Layoff / Separations.