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Learn about our services

Resources for job seekers in Grand Junction

We want to make sure you are as prepared as possible when entering the job market, so we offer you a whole toolbox of resources and assistance. Understanding what skills and abilities you possess and how to present them effectively will increase your chances that the employer will understand what you have to offer.

Employment Services has a customer service model

Needing help with your job search? An Employment Specialist can help guide you through the job search process, give you tips on applying for jobs, and provide you with ideas for nailing the resume and interview. To talk to a Specialist give us a call, email us, or stop by the Workforce Center during our business hours.

WFC Business Hours are 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Thursday, and 7:30 am - 12:00 pm on Fridays

Veterans receive priority of service in all federally funded workforce programs.

Three workers together reviewing a document

The benefits of our model include

  • A Resource room with technology you need to complete job search tasks
  • Online Workshops that address Job Search, Resume & Interviewing
  • One-on-one meetings with an Employment Specialist for personalized career counseling and job search advice

Requirement for meeting with an Employment Specialist

Be at least 14 years of age and have an active and updated account on the Connecting Colorado website.

We highly recommend

  1. Attend virtual workshops through Visit our Workshops page to see a list of upcoming events.
  2. Bring an updated resume completed and free of errors when meeting with an Employment Specialist, if possible.

Contact Information

To speak with an Employment Specialist:

Call 970-248-7560.

Email us at

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