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Mesa County Elections "I Voted" Sticker Contest

The Mesa County Elections first "I Voted" sticker contest is open to all students in grades 1 through 12. The contest will run from September 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023. Click on the picture for more details!

Sep 15, 2023

Announcements, Elections, News

We need your input on the 2023 Draft Mesa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Are you concerned about wildfire risks to your home? Check out the 2023 Draft Mesa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) at, and provide feedback on our comprehensive plan to protect our community from wildfires.

Aug 24, 2023

Community Safety, Information

County Approves MOU to Amplify Mental Health At Partners

On Aug. 22, Mesa County approved a $121,070 memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Mesa County Partners for a mental health and collaboration efforts grant.

Blog Post, Information

Recycle paint responsibly

As a proud PaintCare partner, Mesa County saves on disposal costs and earns funds for every repurposed paint container. Our award-winning process of utilizing old latex paint as the landfill's "alternative daily cover" and any paint customers pick up through our materials reuse program brings additional funds for our hazardous waste program. It's a win-win that keeps your disposal fees lower!

Aug 22, 2023


Join the Community Services Block Grant Volunteer Board!

The CSBG Committee is the driving force behind federal funding allocated to local organizations that combat poverty in our community. Their mission is clear: empower individuals, transform lives, and create lasting change. By focusing on critical areas such as employment, education, income management, housing, nutrition, emergency services, and health, they tackle poverty's root causes head-on.

Aug 21, 2023


Help keep Mesa County free of noxious weeds

Are you aware of the negative impact of invasive noxious weeds on our environment? These sneaky invaders aren't just bothersome in our yards – they're competitive and can take over native plants, disrupting our ecosystem.

Aug 21, 2023
