Inmate population
Population of Inmates at the Mesa County Detention Facility
- Currently, the Mesa County Detention Facility has 553 beds with additional temporary bed space in our booking area.
- It was originally designed with the capacity to house 392 inmates.
- We’ve remodeled and made adjustments to accommodate our expanding jail population.
- While these adjustments have increased our total number of beds, the facility's footprint has not changed.
Target population
- Our target population is less than 442 inmates or less than 80% of the total number of inmates we can house.
- When at or under our target population, we can more effectively house the diverse classifications of inmates.
- For example
- Females cannot be housed together with males, and
- Often, co-defendants in a case cannot be housed together
- For the safety and security of our inmates, it is our responsibility to house known violent inmates away from those not known to be violent.
- When our population rises above 80% of available bed space, it is difficult to house our different inmate populations appropriately.
Special Management Inmates
Inmates who pose a heightened risk to themselves or others require special management, including frequent interaction and increased supervision by staff. Interaction with special management inmates is essential to maintaining a safe, secure and humane environment. Policy 505 establishes guidelines and procedures for interacting with special management inmates in the custody of the Mesa County Sheriff's Office.