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Restitution is the court-ordered repayment of losses directly related to the crime by the offender to the victim. Restitution is ordered only after a defendant pleads guilty or has been found guilty by trial.

Photograph of a group of red signs with Restitution printed on the top sign

Claiming Restitution

The judge presiding over the criminal case can only consider losses directly caused by the crime and for which documentation has been provided to the District Attorney through a victim’s Victim Impact Statement. Restitution can only be requested for those out-of-pocket costs that can be documented. Restitution can be sought for medical expenses, replacement or repair of damaged property, loss of wages, insurance deductibles, and other expenses directly related to the crime.

The District Attorney is responsible for providing the court with the amount of restitution owed to the victim, based upon the documentation provided by the victim to the District Attorney.

A Victim Impact Statement (VIS) is provided by the District Attorney’s Office to all victims of crime where damage to a person or property is charged. The VIS describes and identifies the emotional and financial impact and losses suffered as a result of the crime. To ensure the correct amount of restitution is ordered, it is important that the victim complete the VIS.

If you have not received a Victim Impact Statement and would like to complete one, please contact 970-244-1730, ext. 1 to request a form.    

The defendant has a right to see any documentation submitted to the court. The defendant also has the right to question the restitution and may ask the court for a restitution hearing. The victim (or if a business is the victim, a representative) may be subpoenaed to testify if the judge orders a hearing.

At the sentencing hearing, the judge will make a specific order of restitution if the amount is known and documented. If restitution is ordered, a final restitution figure is decided by the court and the defendant will be required to make payments.

Restitution differs from Crime Victim Compensation in that restitution is paid by the offender while crime victim compensation is paid from criminal justice-collected funds. If a victim receives crime victim compensation funds, they cannot claim those same expenses through restitution, or vice versa.

Restitution FAQs