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Below is a list of all currently open VALE funding opportunities, with links to the full text of the solicitation where you can locate information on eligibility and how to apply. We encourage you to check out the guidelines and instruction documents for information and suggestions on writing and submitting an application.

Current funding opportunities

2024 COVA Annual Conference Scholarship 

This opportunity is to fund current 21st Judicial District VALE grant recipient agencies staff and volunteer fees and expenses for registration, lodging, travel, and meals related to the attendance at the 2024 COVA Annual Conference. 

View the full funding announcement and instructions.


Amount available: $22,000

Funding Period: August 1 - November 30, 2024

Application due date: Friday, June 28, 2024

Full funding announcement: 

COVA Scholarship Announcement of Funds (2024)

Guidelines and Instructions for Application:

COVA Scholarship Application Form Instructions (2024)

Application Form: 

COVA Scholarship Application (2024)