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Have you noticed new wild plants growing in your yard? Despite their beauty, they may be noxious weeds, harming our native vegetation and reducing agricultural productivity. 

Mesa County encourages residents to be good stewards of our area by protecting and preserving lands and natural resources from the negative impact of invasive noxious weeds.

Noxious weeds aren’t just annoyances in yards — they are invasive weeds that have a competitive advantage over vegetation and displace native plants. Non-native plant species known as noxious weeds threaten our beautiful landscape's ecological integrity, agricultural resources, and biodiversity.

Our land is a source of scenic beauty, agriculture, recreational opportunities, and wildlife habitats — let's take care of it.

Noxious weeds are plants that have been determined by state or local governments to be a threat to local environments and have been placed on a Noxious Weed List. Click here to see the full list.

Contact your Mesa County weed manager at or CSU Extension at 970-244-1834 if you have encountered a potential noxious weed. They can help confirm the species of the plant and give you direction on how to treat it.

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Mountain in Mesa County, CO with yellow flowers and text reading, "Noxious weed or not? Common noxious weeds in Colorado," with three images of noxious weeds.