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Carefully selecting the perfect shade of paint has always been an important part of our special life occasions. However, the influence paint has on our lives often goes unnoticed. In our community, we have a unique opportunity to demonstrate how much we care. Mesa County Solid Waste Management has joined forces with PaintCare, a national non-profit organization dedicated to paint recycling. This collaboration allows us to make a positive impact by giving new life to half-full cans of paint that have fulfilled their purpose of turning houses into homes or revitalizing small businesses.

The Power of Paint Recycling:

PaintCare collects unused or leftover house paints, stains, and varnishes and transports them to specialized recycling facilities. These recycling processors use latex-based paint as a raw material to manufacture new paint products. Some companies even package these recycled paints for retail sale, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options.

Mesa County's Commitment to Recycling:

As a PaintCare partner, Mesa County saves on disposal costs and earns money for any paint we find an alternative use for. Our innovative approach includes using old latex paint as an "alternative daily cover" for the landfill, which has been recognized with awards. Additionally, any paint that customers pick up through our materials reuse program generates additional funds for our hazardous waste management program. Participating in this initiative, we help keep trash disposal fees low for our community. This funding is made possible by a recycling fee on new paint sales, implemented by Colorado in 2014 to support the PaintCare program.

Supporting Local Retailers:

You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that retailers in our area sell several brands of recycled paint. By purchasing a gallon or two of recycled paint, you extend the lifespan of a can of paint beyond its initial purpose. Each can represent an opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life.

Join the Movement:

If you're interested in learning more about PaintCare, paint recycling, or finding a drop-off location to dispose of your old paint for free, visit Together, we can create a more sustainable future by recognizing the value of every drop of paint and the positive impact it can have on our community.

Solid Waste Management
Blog Post, Information, News
Open cans of vibrant paint with brushes around them.