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Imagining the lush garden you will grow once spring is in full swing isn’t the only way to get excited about the beauty, peace, and life your garden can bring. 

Composting speeds up the natural decomposition process of organic materials, turning them into a rich dark humid material — perfect for replenishing your spring garden. 

Begin composting food scraps, dry leaves, and woody materials today to create compost right in time to support your thriving garden this spring! 

Visit to learn more about backyard composting, or let Mesa County tackle your yard waste! The Mesa County Organic Materials Composting Facility, open Wednesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., will turn your compostable materials into Mesa Magic compost that can replenish lawns, gardens, and crop fields.

Solid Waste Management
Blog Post, Information
Garden of yellow, pink, purple, and orange flowers and a wooden bird house in a back yard.