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The first Wednesday in May schools all over the nation participated in Walk & Wheel Day, encouraging students to walk or roll to school. Mesa County RTPO worked closely with District 51 to encourage participation from elementary and middle schools with a district wide contest. The RTPO offered $200.00 for new recess equipment to the winning school, the equipment was purchased from the school's wish list.

Schools were asked to complete a Google Form to report their participation. Among the seven schools who reported their participation, there were 583 students who walk or roll to school. Pear Park won the contest with 143 students using active modes to get to school. The Mobility Manager caught up with Pear Park on the last day of school to deliver the new equipment and to take a photo of some of the students who participated. While taking the photo, some of the kids shared enthusiastic stories about walking and rolling. One boy commented that he walks every day and was just recently allowed to start walking by himself to and from school. Another boy stated he loves riding his bike and he would do it every day even if his school didn't win the prize. One girl said she was excited to walk to the Library over the summer. Congratulations to Pear Park and thank you for encouraging kids to walk and roll. The next Walk & Wheel Day will take place in October.

Blog Post
Spring 2023 Mesa County Safe Routes to School Walk & Wheel Champions