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Thank you to all who participated in 2023 Fall Grand Valley Bike Month. Congratulations to our winners from the Business Challenge and Ride Challenge, there were a lot of great competitors and it was exciting to see so many people on bikes.
Business Challenge: The Regional Transportation Planning Office (RTPO) hosts the annual Business Challenge each year to get local employers to encourage their employees to try bike commuting, the winning teams get to display a traveling trophy in their workspace for an entire year.  The Business Challenge started in 2010 and the first trophy was introduced in 2011, now there are four traveling trophies.  Businesses had one week (September 10-16) to get their team to commute to work or for a business meeting at least one time during the week.  This year eight groups submitted their participation, with a total of 88 people biking to work during the week, a special shoutout to all our 2023 contenders: The Bike Shop, REI, BLM, Bonsai Design, DT Swiss, City of Grand Junction, Mesa County Libraries, and RTPO. 
Congratulations to our champions:
  • 1st Place - The Bike Shop
  • 2nd Place - DT Swiss
  • 3rd Place - Bonsai Design
  • 4th place - REI.
Ride Challenge:  In 2020, the RTPO started the Ride Challenge using the platform Love to Ride, encouraging people to get on bikes and track their miles in two categories: Transportation and Fun and Fitness.  All transportation miles (including work commuting, biking to other destinations, and work related trips) are added up in the results and other rides are tracked as Fun & Fitness; the top three riders in each category are awarded prizes.  In past seasons, there was a category for most trips over one mile, but this season some changes were made to promote the Most Days of riding category, awarding the top three riders. There are of course a few rules, participants must live in Mesa County and all participants need to sign up for the Bike Month email list to qualify for prizes.  Congratulations to the winners of the three Ride Challenge categories.
Transportation Miles Fun and Fitness Miles Most Days of Riding
1st Place - Seth Fiedler - 381 Miles 1st Place - David Lehmann - 715 Miles 1st Place - Colin Miller - 30 Days
2nd Place - Mande Gabelson - 205 Miles 2nd Place - Donald Ami - 562 Miles 2nd Place - Adam McGowen - 24 Days
3rd Place - Becky Bernal - 204 Miles 3rd Place - Henry Brown - 412 Miles 3rd Place - Jackson Trappett - 21 Days
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2023 Grand Valley Fall Bike Month Business Challenge winners holding their trophies.