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This exciting event has brought together over 1,500 enthusiastic fifth-grade students at the beautiful Amphitheater at Las Colonias Park. It's an incredible opportunity for young learners to delve into the captivating world of water and gain essential knowledge about water safety, aquatic wildlife, and other critical water-related topics.

The Mesa County Stormwater Division is proud to participate in this festival, as they strongly believe in educating youth about the significance of clean stormwater and protecting our precious rivers. 

Stromwater Division employees at the Children's Water Festival


Through engaging exhibits and interactive activities at their booth, they emphasize the impact of clean stormwater on the health of our rivers, highlighting the role each individual can play in preserving these natural treasures.

At the 2023 Western Colorado Children's Water Festival, the Stormwater Division is witnessing the curiosity and enthusiasm of these young learners as they explore and engage with the exhibits. 

Stromwater Division employees smile for a picture


By participating in this event year after year, the Mesa County Stormwater Division remains committed to empowering our youth with the knowledge and understanding needed to protect our water. 

Let's celebrate the Mesa County Public Works — Stormwater Division's dedication to educating and inspiring our youth as they take steps toward a brighter, water-conscious future!

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A group of children gather around a water exhibit for interactive activities