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Smoother roads in Mesa County are right around the corner, with the Mesa County 2024 Overlay contract approval taking place at the Board of Commissioners' public hearing on Tuesday, May 21.

This $999,430 contract will cover hot mix asphalt replacement in various locations around Mesa County, improving your daily driving experience. 

In 2024, Mesa County will complete 3.3 miles of overlay on South Broadway, 12 Road in Loma, and E Road in the Redlands, and a total of 9.2 miles of road improvements, including cape seal projects. 

A third party surveyed Mesa County road conditions in 2022, considering cracks, potholes, public input, and other factors to create a pavement condition index to help determine which roads were suitable for different treatments.

Your voice matters in keeping our roads safe and efficient. That's why we launched the Road Problem Reporter tool on our website. Using this tool, you can directly communicate your road concerns to our Public Works team. Click here to get started. 

Public Works
Construction, Information, Video
Yellow heavy construction equipment rolling over fresh black asphalt.