CDOT grant will help fund MESA-Q.6.8 bridge rehabilitation
The MESA-Q.6.8 bridge, located approximately four miles west of Mack on old U.S. Highway 6 and 50 over West Salt Creek, will receive significant rehabilitation, 80% funded through a Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) grant. During the Commissioners' June 11 public hearing, they authorized the public works director to sign a $3.2 million grant award agreement from CDOT for the bridge rehabilitation.
The rehabilitation of the 1931-constructed bridge is essential to ensure there is a structurally sound emergency detour route when Interstate 70 is closed near the Utah border, access for residents west of the bridge, and access to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) area north of the bridge.
The project will include major improvements, such as the replacement of the deck, pillars, guardrail, and protection against scour issues.
The full project cost is $4 million, with Mesa County’s portion totaling $800,000.