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Restaurant inspection reports are now available on the Mesa County Public Health (MCPH) website. There are reports for any establishment in Mesa County that sells or serves food. Our team inspects and licenses anyone who serves or sells food in Mesa County. They also provide education and training for food safety. In Mesa County, there are currently 716 active retail food businesses, with an additional 84 temporary event food vendors. 


Access to Inspection Reports

The new online resource makes these reports easily accessible to community members.  These reports have always been available to the public, however, people would previously have to call or email to request it.

Keep in mind, these reports are only a snapshot of the day and time when the inspection took place. When visiting the website, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the inspection process and violation types before proceeding to the inspection reports. Reviewing an inspection report without some background knowledge of the violations and their associated risk, may not provide enough relevant information to help community members in making a dining decision.


Why Inspection Reports are Important

Our routine inspections focus on what food employees can do right away to prevent foodborne illness, and what systems the business has in place to prevent illness and injury. We make sure equipment is working correctly and food is kept at the right temperatures. Our team also makes sure employees are knowledgeable about how disease can spread through food and that employees are washing their hands and preventing contact with ready-to-eat foods with their bare hands The goal of every inspection is to provide education and help food employees, managers, and business owners understand regulations. 


What a Routine Inspection involves

Restaurants are normally scheduled for one to three inspections per year depending on a number of factors:

  • The complexity of the menu.
  • How much food is made from raw products.
  • How much food is made in advance rather than cooked-to-order,
  • Whether there has been a suspected or confirmed food-borne illness outbreak.
  • If the restaurant serves a highly susceptible population.

The inspection process can take anywhere from 45 minutes to several hours  to complete. Every inspection begins with a brief introduction and overview of our visit. Inspectors walk through the facility to understand the flow of food through the kitchen and then focus on the specific areas and processes after the general overview. Our team spends time with the food employees, managers, and owners to assess their knowledge of food safety through discussion and observations. Ultimately, our team wants to make sure the facility is serving safe food. If we find items out of compliance, we work together with our businesses to correct them and find steps for long-term compliance.


Report a complaint

You can file a complaint about safety or cleanliness concerns involving local restaurants.

Public Health
Information, News, Press Release

Media Inquiries, contact:

Sarah Gray
Communications Specialist
Two employees wearing white uniforms working in a restaurant's kitchen.