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In November 2023, Mesa County Department of Human Services (MCDHS) leadership met to discuss cross-collaboration ideas in an effort to improve the services and support for young adults ages 16-24. Cross-training began a few months later with a vision for the collaborative work between Child Welfare and the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program. The population served includes youth and young adults with barriers to achieving safety, stability, and meaningful employment.

With these changes, youth can expect collaboration and support from Child Welfare, the Career Development Team (WIOA Program) as well as the Economic Assistance Team. Services are designed to assist youth who are involved in the Child Welfare system, youth experiencing poverty or homelessness, youth with disabilities, youth with criminal backgrounds, youth with language barriers and other underserved youth in our community.

Mesa County Department of Human Services hopes this collaboration will increase wraparound services for the youth and young adults and also increase staff understanding of funding streams or the use of outside resources to meet young adult needs. As we build positive relationships between divisions to facilitate timely communication across the Mesa County Department of Human Services/Workforce Center campus, we expect to better serve and support our young adults.

For more information about the WIOA Program, please contact the Career Development Team Line at 970-248-0866 or Call 970-683-2620 to reach the Adolescent Permanency Team.

Human Services
Information, Video
Four young adults looking at silver laptop screen.