RTPO needs your input on two transportation plans
The Regional Transportation Planning Office (RTPO) and its partnering agencies are collecting community input until Sept. 8 on two critical transportation plans that will shape the future of Mesa County:
RTPO offers both online and in-person opportunities to make your voice heard about the future of transportation in your community. The Regional Transportation Planning Office will host a public open house on Sept. 4 at the Mesa County Library Clifton Branch, 3270 D 1/2 Road Building A, designed for community members to view a formal presentation about each transportation plan at 4:15 and 5:15 p.m. followed by a review and opportunity to provide feedback.
If you don't make it to the in-person open house, you can visit the self-guided online public meetings and provide your input today through Sept. 8, 2024.
Provide feedback on the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan: gv2050rtp.com/
Provide feedback on the Mesa County Safety Action Plan: mesacountysafetyactionplan.com/
Your voice is crucial in shaping the future of transportation in Mesa County — by participating, you ensure the transportation plans reflect the community's needs and priorities and enhance transportation and quality of life for you and your neighbors.