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Fare-free public transportation is back this summer in Mesa County! At the July 9 public hearing, Commissioners approved an agreement with the Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA) for a $234,895 grant that will allow Grand Valley Transit (GVT) to offer riders service free of fare from July 1, 2024, through Aug. 31, 2024.

This is made possible by the Transit Ozone Season Transit Grant Program, which is part of the statewide “Zero Fare for Better Air” initiative. The program aims to reduce emissions by increasing public transportation ridership during the “ozone season” that lasts from early June through the end of August. The grant award will offset lost fare revenue and other operational expenses incurred by GVT during the fare-free service period.

No passes are needed to ride. Just hop on board!

To learn more about the program, visit the Colorado Energy Office’s webpage.

Grand Valley Transit
Announcements, Information, Video
Large blue bus with Grand Valley Transit logo.