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The Board of County Commissioners adopted two resolutions on June 27 to amend the 2023 budget and the County's authorized staffing level.

The first resolution amends Mesa County's 2023 budget to account for unanticipated revenues and unexpected expenditures that were not included in the adopted budget. Changes to the budget include:

1. Additional grant revenues and associated expenditures: The County received additional grant revenues since the budget was adopted, requiring increased appropriations to spend the grants.

2. Grants to local municipalities for capital projects: To support essential infrastructure in Collbran and Fruita, the County is issuing grants to bring projects to fruition.

3. Adjustments to the Capital Improvement Plan: The Capital Improvement Plan has been revised to reflect updated project estimates, ensuring efficient management of resources.

4. Appropriations for accelerated capital expenditures at the Landfill: To provide Mesa County residents with essential services, capital expenditures originally planned for 2024 at the Mesa County Landfill have been expedited.

The second resolution amends Mesa County's authorized staffing level, which is established during the annual budget process, by adding a total of four full-time equivalent (FTE) positions:

1. Three FTE in Public Health: The conversion of existing temporary positions into full-time positions in Public Health will bolster efforts to enhance trails and recreational amenities within the county.

2. One FTE in the District Attorney's Office: Given increased County Court filings, adding one FTE position in the District Attorney's Office will ensure the necessary resources are in place to address the growing workload.

These resolutions align with the commitment of the Board of County Commissioners to adapt and respond to evolving financial and operational requirements. 

Light wood table with pencil and notepad on top reading "budget".