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The 2023 Coordinated Election is right around the corner, and the Mesa County Elections Department invites you to attend upcoming election judge trainings to learn how election judges are trained to help maintain a fair and inclusive voting process on election day. All trainings are held at Mesa County Central Services, 200 S. Spruce St., in room 40. 

Current Judge Training Schedule

  • Sept. 25 from 8 to 9 a.m. Health Care Facility training
  • Oct. 2 at 9 a.m. Site Supervisor training
  • Oct. 3 at 9 a.m. ePollbook training 
  • Oct. 4 at 9 a.m. Ballot Judge training
  • Oct. 6 at 9 a.m. Exit and Greeter Judge training
  • Oct. 13 Ballot Runners training and start
  • Oct. 18 Intake Judges training and start
  • Oct. 23 Signature Verification and Pre-processing training and start
  • Oct. 27 Tabulation, Dupe, Adjudication team training and start

"Election judges play a fundamental role in ensuring the integrity and security of our electoral process,” Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Bobbie Gross said. “Extending the opportunity for spectators to watch election judge training further enriches citizen engagement, bolstering our collective efforts to maintain a fair and transparent election."

To watch an election judge training, email to reserve your spot.

American flag with red and blue bold text reading "OBSERVE THE 2023 ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING".