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On Wednesday, Oct. 25, a concerned citizen contacted Mesa County Elections to report an issue with their ballot. They indicated their ballot did not include the School District 51 ballot races. After investigating, Elections discovered the issue impacts 58 active voters.

The Election Division is actively communicating with all registered voters in the affected area. The addresses include 587-599 Catskill Court, 595-599 Colonial Drive, 592 Creekside Circle, and 590-598 Creekside Court. Corrected ballots will immediately be reissued. 

"I'm grateful we received early notification of the issue, allowing us the opportunity to address it," said Bobbie Gross, Mesa County Clerk and Recorder. “We are dedicated to promptly resolving this matter and safeguarding the integrity of our election process.”

Early in 2022, Elections performed a revamp of our street file in accordance with redistricting law, which mandates a review every 10 years following the census. During this process, the database did not accurately associate some addresses with School District 51. This election marks the first School District 51 race since this street file update was completed.

"We are actively taking steps to prevent such occurrences in the future,” added Gross.

The Mesa County 2023 Coordinated Elections is made up of four different ballot styles. 

  • Ballot Type 001_1: State and County Questions
  • Ballot Type 002_2: Mesa County Valley School District 51, State and County Questions
  • Ballot Type 003_3: Mesa County Valley School District 51, State, County and City of Grand Junction Questions
  • Ballot Type 004_4: Plateau Valley School District 50, State and County Questions
Announcements, News, Press Release
Ballot-style Issue Affects 58 Active Voters