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Navigating troubled waters with your at-risk youth is more manageable with the Lighthouse Program. The program provides a comprehensive roadmap to success, ensuring a solid foundation for a thriving and empowered youth community in Mesa County.

The Lighthouse Program aims to provide the youth and their family with education, support, and internal and external services to assist in making sustainable changes to prevent involvement in Truancy Court, Municipal or District Court, Juvenile Justice System, or the Child Welfare System.

Involvement with the Lighthouse Program is voluntary, and the program accepts referrals from all three Mesa County school districts, School Resource Officers, community partners, community members, and the family themselves.

If you or a family you know could benefit from the Lighthouse Program, please visit the District Attorney’s Office webpage for more information or call 970-255-5041 or email to request a referral form.

District Attorney
Young boy sitting in front of lighthouse with text reading "Lighthouse Program".