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The Useful Public Service (UPS) program is essential to our local justice system — it acts as a bridge between individuals required to complete court-ordered community service and the nonprofit organizations that make up the backbone of our community.

At its core, the UPS program is designed to benefit nonprofit organizations, the justice system, and the individual.

  • For nonprofit organizations, it provides a crucial workforce that helps them accomplish their mission to serve the community.
  • For the courts and the justice system, it offers a constructive alternative to incarceration, emphasizing rehabilitation over punishment.
  • For individuals completing their service, it presents an opportunity for personal growth, redemption, and the chance to make a tangible difference in the community.

The program takes great care to match participants with suitable not-for-profit work sites, ensuring that their service not only fulfills legal obligations but also enriches their lives and the lives of those they serve. This approach allows individuals to contribute meaningfully to community projects, from environmental conservation efforts to supporting local charities and events that benefit the community.

The UPS program helps to integrate offenders back into the community through service. It's about more than fulfilling court orders; it's about rebuilding lives, supporting our local nonprofits, and creating a community where everyone can contribute positively.

We invite you to learn more about the Useful Public Service program and how it's making a real difference in Mesa County. Whether you're a local nonprofit looking for support, someone who needs to complete a service requirement, or simply a resident interested in learning more about the program, visit our website.

Criminal Justice Services
Information, Video
Woman smiling looking at Pug dog she is holding with mountain views behind her.