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One hundred forty Mesa County employees earned recognition from the Mesa County Employee's Association (MCEA) and Mesa County Commissioners and leadership for their length of service during the tropical-themed 43rd Annual Employee Recognition Luncheon on Sept. 27, 2023.

Those honored included employees who have served the people of Mesa County for five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years! These aren't mere milestones but testaments to a profound commitment to the Mesa County community.

Mesa County Employees
Mesa County Employees
Mesa County Employees


"The employees recognized are the heart of Mesa County," said Mesa County Commissioner Bobbie Daniel. "Their dedication and unwavering commitment serve as the cornerstone of our community, embodying the mission of Team Mesa."

Mesa County Employees
Mesa County Employees
Mesa County Employees


The event celebrates our diverse team, diligently delivering essential services to our residents for many years.

Mesa County Employees
Mesa County Employee


To those honored during the event, Mesa County extends our congratulations and gratitude for your exceptional contributions to our community.

Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees
Names of Mesa County Employees


Name of Mesa County Employees


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Tropical themed graphic reading "Congratulations Team Mesa!"