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Track the development of the Clifton Community Campus, 3270 D ½ Road, with Mesa County officials.

Unfinished outside of Clifton Community Campus building.
Yellow hard hats with Mesa County logos sit in white truck.
People look at paint swatches in dark room under construction.


The Clifton Community Campus, a special place just for our community, is set to open its doors in 2024. Inside the campus is a fantastic school for young kids, a place for adults to learn new skills, and a fun space for everyone to come together. It's all designed with our neighbors in mind, and we can't wait to see it in action!

Back of people's heads walking through building under construction.
Man works on wall of Clifton Community Campus.
County officials talk in circle outside of Clifton Community Campus.


Dark room with windows under construction.
County officials stand outside Clifton Community Campus unfinished.
Man working on inside of Clifton Community Campus building.


Surveying sticks in dirt piles.
Porta potty and bathroom outside Clifton Community Campus.
Unfinished Clifton Community Campus building.


For additional information about this project, please explore Mesa County's website.

Metal inside unfinished Clifton Community Campus.
County Wide
Construction, Information
Outside of Clifton Community Campus under construction.