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In an effort to promote the economic development and prosperity of Clifton, Mesa County Commissioners approved a letter to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Grand Junction Field Office at their July 16 public hearing that expressed support for a proposed BLM plan to sell 31.1 acres of public land to the County at a fair market value for community development purposes. The parcel, located between Interstate 70 and the Government Highline Canal near the northern end of 32 Road, is currently vacant, not publicly accessible, and uneconomical for the BLM to operate.

The property is part of a 40-acre area operated by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) until Jan. 2024, when the 31.1-acre portion was withdrawn by the BLM. After a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the potential environmental effects of this proposed plan is conducted, the County should then be able to purchase the property.

In the letter, the County explains that purchasing the land would be a strategic investment that would help ensure the long-term economic stability of the Clifton community. Should the purchase go through, the County plans to develop this land into a commercial hub that would create jobs and diversify the local economy.

If Mesa County were not to purchase the property, the BLM would retain ownership, and the County would lose an opportunity to strengthen economic prospects in the Clifton area. The parcel would remain without public access, and continue to provide no benefit to the public.

The proposed plan is in the public scoping period until July 19, 2024. Throughout this period, the BLM is soliciting comments to assist with the plan’s development and identify potential issues and alternatives to the proposed action. An Environmental Assessment (EA) with analysis of the proposal and alternative actions is estimated to be completed by the BLM in 2025.

To learn more about the proposed plan or to voice your concerns during the public scoping period, visit the BLM’s information page.

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Aerial view of map in Mesa County with yellow area highlighted.