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Do you want to keep up with where your county dollars are going each week or get insights into the commissioners' weekly schedules to follow the process of agenda items moving forward to approval? Are you eager to gain insights into your commissioners' weekly schedules and the agenda items shaping the future of Mesa County? Look no further – introducing the Sunshine List!

Why join?

  1. Transparency: The Sunshine List sheds light on your commissioners' weekly schedules and meeting agendas, ensuring transparency and accountability in each decision.
  2. Your Voice Matters: Never miss a chance to participate in public meetings! The Sunshine List sends you weekly opportunities to attend the commissioners' public hearings to share your suggestions, ask questions, and actively contribute to building and maintaining a Mesa County you love.
  3. Follow the Process: Stay in the know about how agenda items progress toward approval. The Sunshine List helps you understand the decision-making process that shapes our county.

Don't miss a county move; sign up now!

Sign up here and receive commissioners' weekly schedules and meeting agendas directly in your inbox.

Board of Mesa County Commissioners smiling with white and yellow text reading "Join the Sunshine List."