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On Wednesday, April 19, Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis was elected as the new chairman of the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado (AGNC), a council of governments representing the cities and counties in the northwest region of Colorado, including Mesa, Garfield, Rio Blanco, and Moffat counties.

 "AGNC is essential for the continued economic prosperity of our rural communities," said Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis. "I am honored to serve as their new chairman and humbled by the opportunity to represent the counties of northwest Colorado."

AGNC plays a critical role in the promotion and representation of the interests of its members by facilitating agreements between governments, providing education and support, identifying resources, and maintaining strong relationships with lawmakers and agencies. The council ensures that the voices of the communities it represents are heard and considered in local, state, and national decision-making processes.

Commissioner Davis's appointment as the new chairman of AGNC is a testament to his commitment to the development and growth of the communities in the northwest region of Colorado.

For more information about AGNC, visit their website at

Blog Post, News, Press Release
Photograph of  Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis, District 1