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A young student did a touching act of community service at the newly established playground at Rocky Mountain Elementary Park, right behind Rocky Mountain Elementary School. Sadly, vandalism ruined the park's splendor shortly after it was installed.

Last week, third-grade students of Rocky Mountain Elementary School had an excursion to the playground. The visit turned disheartening when the students discovered inappropriate drawings on the slide. Many were left feeling embarrassed and upset by the defacement.

However, the event would not be a sad memory for one student — Joaquin Moncada. Joaquin's mother, Patricia Moncada, recounted how her son was deeply disappointed with the vandalism, particularly when younger children around three or four were present. Displaying an admirable sense of responsibility and care, Joaquin took it upon himself to shield the offensive images from the view of these young ones.

Joaquin's disappointment over the vandalism prompted a proactive response. With support from his father, Joaquin acquired cleaning supplies. The following day, accompanied by his elder sister, the two climbed the slide with Goo Gone on rags and a magic eraser in hand, removing all traces of the inappropriate drawings.

Patricia expressed immense pride in her son's commitment to improving the community and acting upon his concerns. Joaquin even went further before leaving the park, picking up trash and ensuring it reached the trash can.

Joaquin aspires to become both a scientist and a mayor in the future. Given his demonstrated leadership, care for the community, and determination to make a positive difference, we know he is well on his path.

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A third-grade boy stands with a bottle of cleaner and rags after removing graffiti