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After 28 years of dedicated service to the people of Mesa County — Mesa County Administrator Pete Baier is announcing his retirement from Mesa County Government.

Baier will retire on January 3, 2025, giving Mesa County five months to transition and set the agency up for success. 

“I would like to retire, travel, spend time with my wife, family, and grandkids, and volunteer,” said Baier. “I have been blessed with skills that I feel I must use to give back to my community.” 

“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals I had the privilege to collaborate with, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in building our vibrant community,” added Baier. 

Baier graduated from the University of Colorado with a master’s degree in public administration. He is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Colorado and earned a bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State College and an associate’s degree from Mesa State College.

Baier started with Mesa County in 1996 as an engineer and engineer director, then served as public works director for 20 years. In 2019, the Board of Mesa County Commissioners unanimously appointed him as Mesa County Administrator. 

As public works director, Baier managed projects such as the construction of the 30 Road Underpass and 29 Road Bridge and was the Field Operations Manager for the West Salt Creek Landslide. 

During Baier’s tenure as administrator, he has managed emergencies such as the Pine Gulch Fire and COVID-19. He also implemented a new strategic plan and worked on projects such as the Palisade Plunge and the 29 Road Interchange. 

Through his tenure, Baier has worked for 13 different commissioners in total. 

“My goal as a young professional was to retire at the age of 62, and I can’t believe the day is almost here,” added Baier. “It has been an honor and privilege to serve my community. Most importantly, I cherish my time as a Team Mesa member and all the amazing employees at the County.”

Announcements, Press Release, Video
Mesa County Administrator Peter Baier in public hearing room.