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Project Summary

  • Performing the necessary tasks develop detailed construction documents for the 38 Road Bike and Pedestrian Project.
  • The 38 Road Bike and Pedestrian Project will improve an approximately 2,000 linear feet section of 38 Road south of US Highway 6, connecting into existing improvements constructed in 2015.
  • This will be accomplished through minor road widening to provide a 10’ wide attached and grade separated pedestrian/bike path with curb and gutter on the west side, construction of a retaining wall above the OMID canal needed for the widening, and installation of two pedestrian bridge structures across OMID structures. 

Information Packets

Available on Monday, April 8, 2024 

Proposals Due

5:00 pm- Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Selected Consultant:  JUB

Project Contact Information

Kevin King
Phone 970-255-7147

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