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Juvenile Delinquency System

Juveniles involved in the Delinquency System are youth who are involved with the Criminal Justice system . This means that they have not followed probation requirements and/or they have been accused of committing a crime. There are  several steps in the Judicial Justice system  with which a youth will be involved. A case manager will work closely with the family, probation office, and the courts if the youth is placed in DHS custody during this time.

What if my child is involved in the Juvenile Justice system?

There are several steps involved with a child charged with a crime.

If the youth is placed in DHS custody at anytime during this process, the parent/guardian can expect the case manager to work closely with the family, probation and the courts to determine what the issues are and how to address them so that the youth may return home as soon as is reasonably possible. This might include services to the family as well as the youth. The parent/guardian's participation in this process is critical.
